8 Content Ideas to Include in Your 2020 Yearbook

8 Content Ideas to Include in Your 2020 Yearbook

8 Content Ideas to Include in Your 2020 Yearbook 900 424 Spacific Creative

With so many school staples from sporting events to camps being cancelled, it can be tricky to know what to include in your 2020 yearbook. Here are some COVID-19 article ideas to consider:

1. Staff Interviews

Yearbooks always have content about different departments and updates from faculties. This year, include interviews with key staff members on how they have adjusted and implemented new learning measures during this time.

2. A Day in the Life

Have your students keep diaries of their typical day during lockdown. This could be either in written format or completed as a video diary. This will not only be a great addition to your yearbook but also as a personal keepsake for each student to look back on.

3. Friendships at Distance

Remote learning can be an isolating experience but it’s also a time to get creative with how we interact with others. Include articles from students on how they are staying connected with their classmates and the benefits of these social interactions.

4. Student Interviews

Write out a few key questions and send them to different students for them to answer. Ask what is keeping them positive, focused and entertained during this time. This could also be tailored for those in prefect positions. Ask them how they are fulfilling their roles and continuing leadership via distance.

5. Maintaining Sport

Health is more important than ever but team sport and P.E class have come to a necessary halt. Include an article about how sport has adapted and how it will continue moving forward to account for the health and safety of students.

6. How You Helped

This period is harder for certain groups than for others. Get your students to write about how they have had a positive impact on those around them. This could be volunteering for a local organisation or something as simple as helping their parents out at home.

7. Online Events

Although lots of school events have been cancelled or postponed, there is still the opportunity for online events. Throughout the world, lots of events and audience-less concerts are going ahead via streaming services. If your school has moved assemblies, chapel or events online, make sure to write about them!

8. How Classes Adapted

Some classes are more difficult to conduct remotely than others. Teaching art, music and other non STEM classes require clever thinking. Articles from these departments on how they adapted to online learning will make for an interesting and inspiring read.