Not sure how to promote your next school event? There are many ways to approach how you get the word out, and often it is best to use a few…
Do you have a school calendar or student diary to put together? Along with picking the design, the structure and the images, you also need to figure out what dates…
A successful school course or curriculum guide should contain plenty of information in a digestible format. Curriculum guides require lots of detail and interlaced subjects. So it can be tricky…
With an almost limitless number of colours to choose from and ways to pair them, it can be hard to pick the perfect palette! Selecting nice colours is one thing,…
There’s a definite shift around the world towards inclusivity and better recognition of the many groups that comprise our society. Whether it’s the media, business culture or academic institutions, we…
Creating a yearbook is a pretty big undertaking. A 96-page yearbook can have 400 to 600 photos and over 30,000 words! So, what can you do to make the project…
It’s 2019 and you’re back at school, probably with thoughts about how the summer break seemed to fly by. However, the school year can also move at bewildering speed, to…
Most schools have a full calendar of events, activities and occasions, so it can be hard deciding what content to include in your yearbook and what to leave out –…
The iPhone made photography universal, instant and spontaneous – glossy magazines like Elle now have whole cover photo shoots done on a mobile phone – but the one thing that…
The creative options in yearbook design are endless — colour choice, fonts and the style you select will all influence the final product. It can be a little overwhelming! To…