Do you have a school calendar or student diary to put together? Along with picking the design, the structure and the images, you also need to figure out what dates to include!
There are many events and important dates to remember in a single school year, ranging from public holidays, school terms and special events. So it’s easy to forget a few when you’re designing under a tight deadline! Here are some dates and suggestions to help make the process easier.
NZ Public Holidays

Westlake Girls High School 2022 diary
Make sure your diary or calendar includes public holidays and also their observed dates if they differ. Don’t forget to include public holidays for your specific region, e.g. Auckland Anniversary Day, Wellington Anniversary Day etc.
Term Dates & Schedule Changes

Northcross Intermediate 2021 diary
The next category to include is your school dates and changes to the usual timetable. Mention the term dates, holidays, Teacher Only Days, and days when school may start or end at a different time than normal.
School History & Monumental Days

Sacred Heart College 2022 calendar
Are you creating a calendar as a special school fundraiser? Include some dates that are important to your school’s identity or the fundraiser theme! Special days in your school history or days of special religious significance.
Events & What’s On

Macellin College 2022 calendar
Include all your school events, big and small! Swimming sports, school camp, special assemblies, parent-teacher interviews, exams, morning teas and leavers dinners.
Staying Informed

Sacred Heart College 2022 calendar
Add some logistical dates and times to your diary or calendar. Note days where students need to get ID photos, when the uniform shop is open and what school uniform is required for special events or different seasons.
Double-check your dates are correct, especially if you’ve carried over the design from a previous year with last year’s dates still embedded.
If you still feel like you may be missing some key dates and details, try to jot down some school events and occasions throughout this year so you’ll have a great starting point for next year’s publication!