Blue School Yearbook Page Designs!

Blue School Yearbook Page Designs!

Blue School Yearbook Page Designs! 2560 1707 Spacific Creative

If you’re leaning towards a blue theme for your yearbook, you’re in good company! Blue is a popular and timeless colour for school publications, known for its ability to convey a sense of calm and wisdom. It is also very adaptable – darker shades like navy or royal blue suit more formal uses like school prospectuses or business cards, while lighter, brighter blues add a cheerful and energetic touch to a yearbook!

Whatever your theme and vision, there’s a shade of blue that will work for your school. Have a look at some of these blue yearbooks we’ve worked on with our clients for inspiration!

Arahoe School blue yearbook

Arahoe School

ACG Sunderland design layout

ACG Sunderland

Blue graphic design yearbook pages

Berkley Normal Middle School

Carmel College content layout design

Carmel College

New Zealand school yearbook design

Samuel Marsden Collegiate

Intermediate school landscape yearbook

Farm Cove Intermediate

Blue college pages

Long Bay College

Northcross Intermediate blue yearbook

Northcross Intermediate

Auckland Dio blue page border

Diocesan School for Girls

Blue geometric page pattern

Nga Taiatea Wharekura

New Zealand Intermediate school yearbook

Howick Intermediate

NZ school page motif

Nga Taiatea Wharekura

For more yearbook colour inspiration, check out some of the green page designs from our clients!