School leavers books are usually compiled and created by graduating students, making them less formal than yearbooks. They provide an ideal platform for informal, conversational content.
A typical format involves dedicating a section to each graduating student, which may include a photo and a Q&A session. Incorporating a Q&A is a great way to capture students’ stories in their own words and showcase their unique personalities.
Here are 30 questions to ask your students!

Kristin School
1. What was your nickname at school?
2. What was your funniest moment at school?
3. What was your favourite school lunch/tuckshop item?
4. If you could relive one day from your time at school, which would it be?
5. Who has been your biggest inspiration?
6. What advice would you give your younger self?
7. What was your favourite school subject?
8. What achievement are you most proud of?
9. What is your most cherished memory from your time at school?
10. What was your most embarrassing moment?

Kristin School
11. What was the time you were most out of your comfort zone?
12. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
13. What is a quote or motto you live by?
14. If you could create a new school rule, what would it be?
15. What song would sum up your school experience?
16. What advice do you have for younger students?
17. What are you going to miss the most about school?
18. What are your career goals or plans for the future?
19. What was your favourite school event or tradition?
20. If you could create a new school subject, what would it be?
21. What was the best piece of advice you received from a teacher?
22. What was your favourite community or club you were a part of?
23. What extracurricular activity had the most impact on your time at school?
24. If you could create a new school event or holiday, what would it be?
25. If you could swap places with a teacher for a day, who would it be and why?
26. If your school had a theme song, what would it be?
27. If you were a teacher for the day, what subject would you want to teach?
28. If you could have any fictional character as a schoolmate, who would it be?
29. If you could have any fictional character as a teacher, who would it be?
30. If your school had a time capsule, what would you put in it?