Who says page numbers need to be purely functional?! Your yearbook page numbers can be as big or as small of a design feature as you’d like.
Styling Page Numbers
- If opting for a simple style, there are still many ways to display your page numbers. Decide if you want them at the header or footer of the page or in a horizontal or vertical format;
- Otherwise, match the colour and style of the page numbers to suit your design theme;
- Regardless of the chosen style, make sure they are clear and visible. If using a small or thin font, place a solid colour behind the page numbers to they are easy to spot when quickly flicking through the yearbook;
- Give your design a double-check before sending your yearbook to print. Check that they aren’t too close to the margin or they may be cut off during the printing process. It’s also not uncommon for a page number to be the wrong colour, covered by another design element, or missing altogether!
Yearbook Examples
Here are some yearbook page numbers from some Spacific Creative clients!

Albany Junior High School

Carmel College

ACG Strathallan

Glendowie College

Kristin School

Ngā Taiātea Wharekura

ACG Parnell College

Remuera Primary School

ACG Senior College

ACG Senior College

Samuel Marsden Collegiate School

ACG Senior College

St Margaret’s College

St Oran’s College

ACG Strathallan